
Easter Island

Easter Island
Map of Easter Island showing the headstones surrounding the island

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I have found some great things about Easter Island. Not only were they known for their Stone heads “Moai”, but also known for their great mystical discoveries happening on their island. I have always thought before I did my project that it was a island with stone heads in random spots, and no one knew were they came from. Now that I have researched the culture, History and the incredible statues, there’s more to the island than I had thought. One day, I would like to visit this island and see for my own eyes the statues, carvings and culture. I have learned a lot just by a few websites given to me. I could have chosen a lot of other things to write about but writing about Easter Island really caught my eye, and I still plan to keep up to date on what happens there.

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