
Easter Island

Easter Island
Map of Easter Island showing the headstones surrounding the island

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

New Discoveries

There are not only the bad things that happen on the islands, there are also some really great discoveries. It has been found that the Moai head statues have actual bodies buried underneath the ground. It’s said 95% of the 1,000 Easter Island stone statues were carved, a massive crater of consolidated ash surrounding an interior. 150 statues stand straight up on the interior and exterior (Tilburg). Seeing the pictures of people digging there way to uncover more of the head stones, you see carvings along there body. It’s really amazing to see such great sculptures that no one has ever seen before. They had found that the ceremonies that the islanders in time were associated with all of the statues. They fount large amounts of red pigment which was used to paint the statues. Under one of the statues was a large stone with a crescent symbol carved in the side and represented a canoe (Tilburg). The people who are digging are on the right track. If people keep digging for new discoveries there’s a possibility that they might finally figure things that went on in Easter Island.

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